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Questions and Answers

Q: Why didn't Greg Morrow play on "The Pledge" and "Go to the Top?"

A: "Greg made a decision to go with Amy Grant. It was hard for all of us at the time but turned out fine. Chuck Reynolds was Greg's replacement and played on The Pledge."

-Eddie DeGarmo (3/2/16)

Q: Why was Go to the Top not recorded at Ardent Studios and why does it soud different?

A: "There was a new studio that opened in Memphis down on Beale Street called the Firehouse that we wanted to try. That's where we recorded Go to the Top. In retrospect, I think we pushed too hard to try a new sound and it didn't really work for us. If I had one album that I would go back and re-create, it would be Go to the Top."

-Eddie DeGarmo (3/2/16)

Q: Was there ever a studio recorded version of "Preacher (I'll Need a Friend)?"

A: "You know, we tried recording that tune ONE TIME in the studio. It never translated like it did live. I think we worked it up on the road during a few different sound checks. I don't recall ever really practicing it. One of my favorite tunes as well. Funny story: Dana would sometimes get it confused with All Night from This Aint Hollywood and would start the guitar pattern wrong. Getting him back on track could be a booger!"

-Greg Morrow (1/31/16)

Q: What about the two "new" songs on "Destined to Win: The Classic Rock Collection"?

A: "We recorded both of those songs in an afternoon and evening in Memphis."

-Eddie DeGarmo (5/14/16)

    "Dana wrote I'll Come Out Fighting For You for a friend that was being falsely accused of something."

-Eddie DeGarmo (5/16/16)

Q: How did the song "Destined to Win" come about?

A: "I wrote Destined to Win in the wee hours of Easter Morning. We were visiting my parents who lived on a farm and I couldn't sleep because of toothache. I had my private sunrise service that Easter and wrote the lyrics to Destined to Win."

-Eddie DeGarmo (5/16/16)

Q: What about the duet "Anybody Else But You" that you did with Dana featured on the Faithful compilation?

A: "I was I think 17 when we did that duet. I used to sing on some of the demos that they would use to send in songs for other artist to record. That was my first one I think but they decided to use me instead"

-Jaime Key Roberts *Dana's sister* (3/8/17)

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2018 - E. Belcher and DeGarmo & Key Fans

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