The Official DeGarmo & Key Homepage

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by Eddie DeGarmo
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DeGarmo & Key
and Eddie DeGarmo
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Whether you're an existing fan, a new fan, or re-discovering music from yesteryear this website is for you!
There's no denying that Eddie DeGarmo & Dana Key's music ministry has inspired and challenged the world to follow Christ. All over the world their message still rings true today that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and following Him is the only way to live life to the fullest. With a ministry career spanning from 1978 until 1994 DeGarmo & Key has been forever etched into the hearts and lives of those within the sound of their music. Their music will live on, not necessarily because of anything man can do to preserve it, but because DeGarmo & Key anchored everything they did on the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ who is yesterday, today, and forever the same.
This website is not run by any member of DeGarmo & Key, but was designed and is maintained by a fellow fan of DeGarmo & Key, Elisha Belcher, with the help of other fellow fans from the "DeGarmo & Key Fan Group" on Facebook. That being said, we cannot contact any members of DeGarmo & Key for you, however Mr. Eddie DeGarmo does frequent the fan group on Facebook. We certainly hope this website will be an encouragement and help to you. Please feel free to contact me at any time: degarmoandkey@yahoo.com
Also, there's a great fan page that we would love for you to be a part of on Facebook: "DeGarmo & Key (Official)." Enjoy some great Christian fellowship and talk about everything D&K. (Click here to go now)